INTJ Stress Management

INTJ Personality Type

Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) is a theory created in 1921 by Carl Jung that's now used by wellness coaches, life coaches, psychologists and more recently workplaces to determine personality types with a 4 letter code.

INTJ is a personality type with the following traits:

Introverted - Introverted as they ultimately need time alone when stressed to recharge.

iNtuitive - A part of the 30% population that is intuitive which is to do with how they process information, meaning they are forward thinkers, and full of ideas.

Thinking - The third letter T stands for thinking which tells us the basis of most of their decisions are derived from fact and logic.

Judging - Judging which ironically doesn't mean they're quick to judge, they're actually opposite. Judging types prefer closure. They're organised, appreciating structure, order, and like things planned, and do not like last-minute changes.

Some examples of INTJ archetypes are the architect, the mastermind and the rational strategist. They are helpful, beautiful brains with a thirst for knowledge. The below image gives you an insight into how INTJs think.


intj brain



INTJ Brain Activity

Out of the 16 personality types, INTJ is 1 of 2 that use their brain in a zig-zag like pattern on a regular basis. Other personality types usually show this pattern when they are engaged in an area of their expertise, for example a trained artist painting a portrait.

Managing stress and anxiety can be challenging for INTJs because they tend to naturally analyze situations deeply, they're often over-thinkers, as well as forward thinkers. Which is great if thinking ahead positively, but not so great if thinking negatively, so it's more imperative they stay optimistic. They are attentive to detail and focused on achieving high standards which can also add to stress.

The image below shows INTJ personality type's highest activity regions on Electroencephalogram (EEG). The most activated regions of the brain for an INTJ are manage process, words of self & others, build image and future projection. All of which can lead to stress if managing too many processes, negative self-talk, taking on the words of others as self-limiting beliefs, building a negative image, or projecting a negative future.

Staying optimistic, present, and grateful are some of the healthiest an INTJ personality type can be.


intj brain activity



Balance your energies


MBTI energies

As you can see from the pyramid above, all of the 16 personality types are made up of the physical, emotional and mental energies. INTJ types are closer to the mental energies corner as they can be very in their head. Getting in touch with your emotional and physical energies will help you balance yourself.

ENFP (Extroverted, iNuitive, Feeling, Perceiving) personalities types are the most balancing. ENFP stands for:





To achieve this balance, it may be helpful for INTJ types to take a leaf from their book and do the following in times of stress:

Extrovert yourself - INTJs naturally feel better being alone when stressed but too much alone time can lead to feelings of loneliness. Venting to family and friends to get another perspective for problems to find the solution can also be helpful.

Try new things - Similar to ENFP, INTJs are also intuitive types that tend to jump from idea to idea, make sure you keep stimulated and try new things to avoid being stuck in a rut.

New things, concepts, and new tasks excite intuitive personality types. Repetition has been proven to can cause stress mentally, physically and emotionally. Taking breaks from repetitive mentally straining, physically straining, and emotionally straining tasks can prevent further stress. Continue to try new things around those daily repetitive tasks.

Trust your gut - Unlike ENFP, INTJ types make decisions based on their fact and logic more than their gut feelings and instincts. Making decisions with fact and logic may be great for business decisions, but when it comes to interactions with others, sometimes it may be better to make decisions with your gut feeling rather than basing decisions on fact and logic. Remember that humans are emotional creatures after all, not logical creatures in general.

Learn to let go - Another difference between INTJ and ENFP is their need for closure. INTJ personality types prefer to have closure, but the most balanced personality type ENFP do not mind not having closure and tend to leave things open-minded. Taking a leaf from their book, and learning to let go of self-limiting beliefs, ideas and any negative energy that's been acknowledged and has passed over time, can be the healthier decision for an INTJ dealing with stress.


 chakra balancing

Stress Management Techniques 

INTJ can help themselves manage their stress by doing the following:

1. Support System. While INTJs may prefer solitude most of the time, having a supportive network of friends, family, or a therapist can provide valuable emotional support and perspective. After all the most balanced personality type is an extrovert as shown from the pyramid

2. Physical Exercise. As mentioned above INTJs are closer to the mental energies and are naturally less physical than some of the others types. Regular exercise is essential for reducing anxiety and improving overall well-being. Find physical activities you enjoy, whether it's weightlifting, yoga, or running.

3. Identify Triggers. Understand what specific situations, thoughts, or behaviors trigger your anxiety. Knowing your triggers can help you anticipate and manage them better.

4. Plan effectively. Create structured plans and schedules with breaks to reward yourself and manage your time effectively. Break down tasks into smaller, manageable steps can reduce feelings of overwhelm.

5. Practice Mindfulness. Incorporate mindfulness techniques into your daily routine to stay present and reduce anxiety. Meditation, or mindfulness apps such as Headspace or Calm can be helpful.

6. Set Boundaries. Learn to say no to commitments or tasks that add unnecessary stress to your life. As INTJs are such giving characters, establishing boundaries can help you prioritize your well-being.

7. Focus on solutions. INTJs often excel at problem-solving. Instead of focusing on worries, focus on finding practical solutions to the issues causing you stress. Where focus goes, energy flows as Tony Robins says.

8. Intellectual Stimulation. Engage in activities that stimulate your intellect and provide a sense of accomplishment such as reading, learning a new skill, or working on challenging projects.

9. Practice Self-Compassion. Be kind to yourself and keep that self talk positive. Acknowledge that it's okay to feel stressed or anxious sometimes. Treat yourself with the same compassion you would offer to a friend in need.

10. Limit self-limiting beliefs. Don't take on negative beliefs about yourself from yourself or anyone else.

11. Maintain a Healthy Lifestyle. Prioritize 8 hours sleep, nutrition, and hydration to support your physical and mental health. Avoid excessive caffeine or alcohol, as they can exacerbate anxiety symptoms.

12. Limit Information Overload. INTJs can be prone to information overload, which can contribute to stress. Set boundaries on how much news or social media you consume to maintain a healthy balance.

13. Cultivate Hobbies. Engage in hobbies or activities that bring you joy and relaxation. Whether it's painting, playing an instrument, or gardening, carving out time for leisure pursuits is essential for stress relief.

14. Practice Gratitude. Regularly reflect on things you're grateful for, even during challenging times. Writing down on paper why you're grateful is even more powerful. Life gives us more of what we're grateful for. Cultivating a gratitude attitude can shift your focus away from stressors and towards positive aspects of your life. Being grateful is the one of the healthiest things for anyone's mindset.

15. Regulate Emotions. Learn to regulate your emotions by identifying them, accepting them and making a conscious effort to modify them. Life is 90% how you react and 10% what actually happens. Turn negatives to positives as quick as you can and make that lemonade so to speak.

16. Breath Work. Practicing breathing exercises can help relieve tension and calm the nervous system. Box Breathing, Alternate Nostril Breathing and Lion's Breath are just a few of the many breathing techniques you can use to reduce anxiety and stress.

17. Stay Present. Breathing exercises and physical exercises are 2 things that can help you remain in the present moment. Which doesn't come as naturally to forward thinkers. Remember this moment won't ever come back, so enjoy whilst it lasts and if it's a moment you don't like, remind yourself everything is temporary and the moment will soon pass.

18. Take time for yourself. After all, you are a natural introvert. Remember to take that time for yourself to practice your stress management techniques.

19. Reflexology. Taking care of your feet will promote self healing in the body as reflexology shows us the body's nerve endings are in the feet. For example, the heel area represents the lower back area in reflexology. Exfoliating your feet in the bath or during a foot soak if you don't have a bath, will help promote self healing to the body. Foot care = Body Care.

20. Chakra Balancing. Physical conditions are a result of emotional stress & chakra imbalances manifesting into physical tension. Neck and shoulder pain for example is related to throat chakra imbalances, the chakra that is about speech and expression. Ways to unblock the throat chakra are singing and expressing yourself in any form whether it be writing, music as well as verbally. The image above shows you more ways to unblock all the major 7 chakras.

21. Decision Making. Make decisions with your feelings as well as logical. After all humans are emotional creatures, not logical creatures in general.




INTJ Brain Functions

(AKA Cognitive Processes)

 intj functions


Each personality type has all of the 8 brain functions but each personality type's functions are in a different order. Which show we all have the capacity to understand each other if we understand our cognitive functions. 

The 8 brain functions are split into 2, our primary and shadow functions. The primary functions are the more conscious, developed parts of our personality, and the shadow functions tend to be the hidden, less conscious, less developed part of our personality.

The more dominant a function is, the more it is used by that type. Developing our brain functions can help us manage stress more effectively. Each function is a introverted or extroverted function which refers to whether its expressed externally or internally. 


INTJs Primary Functions

Dominant Function: Introverted Intuition (Ni)
Auxiliary Function:Extroverted Thinking (Te)
Tertiary Function: Introverted Feeling (Fi)
Inferior Function: Extroverted Sensing (Se)


1. Dominate Function - Introverted Intuition (Ni)

"What will be"

  • INTJs primary dominant function introverted intuition, a future-oriented function that looks for "what will be" by piecing together their unconscious and conscious knowledge of past and present. Dominant Ni-users will look for meanings and patterns to puzzle together how one event leads to another and more future possibilities.
  • Introverted intuition is a analytic function. Rather than simply looking at concrete facts, they are more interested in the meaning behind the facts. Ni-dominant function enjoy reading between the lines and appreciate metaphors.
  • As this function is processed at a conscious and unconscious level, where you puzzle together past and future possibilities together together to create a meaning. Ni users may not even realize why they know the information they do at times.

2. Auxiliary Function: Extroverted Thinking (Te)

"What humanity feels"

  • INTJ personality secondary dominant function, extroverted thinking helps them make effective, logical decisions as they organize their thoughts to see the the cause and effect. This is why INTJs are usually very deliberate and methodical when dealing with problems
  • Te-users seek order, control, structure and fairness in the world around them.

3. Tertiary Function: Introverted Feeling (Fi)

"Why is it"

  • As introverted feeling is a tertiary function to INTJs, it's used less than they use their dominant and auxiliary functions.
  • An INTJ who works on their personal development and self-awareness will be more aware of their own values and feelings when decision making.
  • This may result to them also feeling more drawn to like-minded people and activities that align with their values.

4. Inferior Function: Extroverted Sensing (Si)

"What's happening now"

  • Extroverted sensing tends to be the least developed function of an INTJ type's primary cognitive functions but still allows them to process information through their senses. 
  • As this function focuses on the present moment, it doesn't come as naturally to forward thinking INTJ types. But when it is in play, INTJ love living in the moment and can feel energized by the world around them after they have recharged their own batteries.




INTJ Shadow Functions

Opposing Role: Extroverted Intuition (Ne)
Critical Parent/Senex: 
Introverted Thinking (Ti)
Extroverted Feeling (Fe)
Introverted Sensing (Si)


As the shadow functions of any personality are less developed, and more unconscious, they work negatively against the primary functions in times of stress.

Personality types with these shadow functions as their dominant functions wouldn't be as negatively effected by them as their brain naturally processes them more.


1. Opposing Role: Extroverted Intuition (Ne)

"What could be"

  • The opposing role function is to check, balance and oppose the dominant function.
  • As introverted intuition is INTJ types dominant function, the function that helps them piece together many possibilities, extroverted intuition can work negatively against their introverted intuition and result in them missing a piece to their puzzle



2. Critical Parent: Introverted Thinking (Ti)

"What I value as important"

  • The Critical Parent function introverted thinking opposes and limits INTJs auxillary cognitive function, extroverted thinking. 
  • This function is in play when INTJ types make more decisions based on subjective reasoning. 
  • This function for INTJ types may result in them not being their usual logical selves.



3. Trickster: Extroverted Feeling (Fi)

"How to do it"

  • Extroverted Feeling is a function that makes us sensitive to needs of others, however as it is INTJs trickster or deceiving role, it mirrors the tertiary function and is triggered when the tertiary function is threatened.
  • To develop this function, take more notice of what triggers your strong values and how you can react empathically without making up your own rules for social correctness.



4. Demon: Introverted Sensing (Si)

"What was"

  • The introverted sensing function is our brain function that reviews, recalls and focuses on the past.
  • It can be more of a useful function for types who use it as a primary cognitive function. But for INTJ types, it's known as their demon function which acts as the opposite resulting in INTJ types becoming more forgetful with past data and feeling disconnected from themselves. 


 intj functions


Develop your shadow functions

Now you're aware of your primary and shadow functions, take notice of when your primary functions feel triggered or bullied and how your shadow functions can negatively effect how you react.

Make a conscious effort to bring your shadow functions to the surface and develop them as much as you do your primary functions to help develop your personality type.



Tools for INTJ Stress Management


Pulsio Elite Massage Gun

Balance your energies by first relieving the stress physically with the Pulsio Elite, one of the most powerful massage gun on the market.

The lightweight, ergonomic design packs a powerful punch to unlock your range of motion, recover your muscles and help balance your physical and mental energies. 


iGlow Tri-Colour LED Light Therapy Face Mask

Feel your confidence boost when you look after your face with the iGlow Tri-Colour LED Light Therapy Face Mask. Suitable for all skin types and all skin tones, this beauty has 3 LED lights & treatment modes for:

  1. Anti-Ageing (Red LED)
  2. Anti-Breakouts (Blue LED)
  3. Revitalize Skin (Green LED)



    Red Light Therapy Wristband

    With our skin being the largest organ, one of the best ways to take care of it is red light therapy. If you're anything like my INTJ friend, you'll fall in love with red light therapy and it's benefits. 

    Ascent Nutrition's Red Light Watch is America's First Wearable Mobile Red Light Therapy wristband featuring groundbreaking red light pulse technology.

    The red light pulse technology safely delivers red light energy directly through your skin whilst you're on the go and includes the following benefits:

    • Mitochondrial Health
    • Healthy Detoxification
    • Cellular Energy
    • Immune Function
    • Healthy Looking Skin
    • Collagen Production
    • Healthy Inflammatory Response
    • Healthy Stress Response
    • Cardiovascular Health
    • Healthy Exercise Recovery


    SoleSoothe Reflexology Sliders

    Balance yourself from tip to toe with Flamin' Fitness' Reflexology Sliders. With most our body's nerve endings being in our feet as the ancient practice of reflexology teaches us, looking after your feet will promote self-healing in your body. What better way to do it, then easily slipping some sliders on your feet. 
    These innovative sliders will rejuvenate your body from the ground up by stimulating key pressure points on your feet and transform your daily steps into a spa-like experience.
    Slip them on and feel the tension melt away whether you're at home, in the office, or out for a stroll.



    Lightest Foldable Walking Treadmill

    Get into your physical energy at home with the lightest foldable walking treadmill. The compact, lightweight, foldable design allows you to save space and have a portable treadmill for whether you're on the go or at home.

    If you're a multi-tasker like most INTJs I know, you can even get the standing desk to get your work done as you're working out. 


    Essential Daily Probiotic + Gut Support

    Gut health is the key to our health as research continually shows as it helps improve your overall well being by helping your digestion, immune system, and your mental health. The supplement is formulated with 7 strains that help alleviate symptoms of digestive discomfort, IBS, and help support your immune system during cold & flu season. 


    Stress Less Healing Crystal Set

    Our Stress Less crystal set includes a trio of healing stones selected to aid in serenity and balance. Green aventurine provides a shield of protection, Clear Quartz promotes mental clarity & focus, and Sodalite enhances self-esteem and inner confidence. Simply pop them in your pocket, wallet or purse to stay balanced wherever you are.


    I hope that helps you manage stress better. Remember that managing stress and anxiety is an ongoing process, and it takes 21 days to make a habit, and 90 days to make it a lifestyle change. Cultivate just a few of these habits could just change your life.


    Subscribe to the website to hear about the book I am writing mentioning all the personality types where you can understand about yourself and other's personality types.