15 Ways To Reduce Sciatica & Lower Back Pain Advice

15 Ways To Reduce Sciatica & Lower Back Pain Advice

Created 2020 ~ Updated October 2023


Lower Back Pain Advice

Not just 15 ways to reduce lower back pain and sciatica, but how to prevent it too.

Being a massage practitioner, this is the most popular advice I share with my clients. With an increasing amount of people working from home, sciatica and lower back pain is becoming a growing problem. I've met so many desk workers and people who have suffered with sciatic pain including friends, family, and myself.

If you have had Sciatic pain, you know it's one of the worst pains you have ever experienced. If you know somebody who suffers from it, do not underestimate the amount of pain they are in as the excruciating pain limits your ability to walk painlessly.


lower back pain advice

Sciatica can be caused pregnancy, or by sitting down for extended periods of time as it puts pressure on your lower back triggering the sciatic nerve.

This is all the lower back pain advice that has helped me along with many other people that I hope helps you or someone you love too.

 lower back pain advice

1. Avoid Sitting Down For Too Long

Sitting down is what compresses the spine and causes this pain, for preventative measures, avoid sitting down for too long in the first place of course.

If you work at a desk and have to sit for work, set reminders to take regular breaks.

A FitBit is great way to set reminders and have a watch that reminds you when you have been sat down for too long.


lower back advice 

In our digital world full of devices and desk work that keeps us sat down, it can be challenging not to sit down for too long. But sitting down most likely causes you to slouch and hunch your back if you're sat for long periods of time.

I always advise my desk worker clients to imagine you're a puppet on a string when you're sat down, that way you're not slouching and helping to correct your posture, as well as preventing back pain instead of causing it.

Always take regular breaks every 20 minutes when you're sat down, to prevent digital eye strain and take that pressure off your lower back.


 lower back pain advice

2. Regular Pilates

"Regular" being the keyword! It doesn't have to be every day, even every other day will help as long as there's some consistency. Pilates is a great way to build your core strength and your back strength. Many people swear by it. 

If you struggle to motivate yourself to watch a YouTube video and do your Pilates stretches, join a class to motivate you to commit to prevent that awful back pain.

The Piriformis stretch is instantly effective for Sciatic pain.


Regularity is key for preventing lower pain so make sure you're doing it daily. Even 5 minutes day makes a difference. You know 5 minutes a day to stretch is worth preventing that excruciating lower pain

You can type in "lower back stretches", or "sciatica stretches" on YouTube if you'd like a guide to start it before you get into the habit yourself. If you need extra motivation to do it, you can join a Pilates class.


sciatica lower back pain advice

3. Use Back Support 

There are plenty to choose from on Amazon to support your back pain needs with the following benefits:






lower back pain advice

 4. Avoid Crossing Your Legs

This one I still find difficult to do, but lower back pain motivates me to uncross them if I ever do. Crossing your legs isn't good for your circulatory system and having poor circulation, can affect your overall health.

Unless it's for Yoga/Pilates purposes, avoid crossing your legs.



lower back pain advice


5. Sleep With A Pillow For Spine

If you've been pregnant, you probably did this with your pregnancy V pillow but then stopped once you gave birth. But sleeping with an extra pillow to support your spine is important for keeping the natural curve in our lower backs as it reduces on stress on your spine and it keeps it neutral.

Correct position for sleeping on your side: have a small pillow between your knees and ankles.

Correct position for sleeping on your back: having a pillow under your knees

Correction position if you sleep on your front: have a pillow under your feet to support your spine.

I've recommended this to all my clients, and like myself, they too can longer sleep without that extra pillow to support the spine.



sciatica lower back pain advice

6. Clench Your Glutes

When you are sat down, stood up, walking or doing virtually anything, clench your buttocks muscles together. Hold for 5 seconds, and relax for 5 seconds. This helps to strengthen your body's biggest muscle  - the gluteus maximus in the glute complex.

The piriformis muscle is located in glute area, near the sciatic nerve, which is what can cause pain from the leg to the foot. One of the signs of having a weak glutes, is lower back pain, hip pain and/or knee pain. So get clenching!


lower back pain advice

7. Regular Physiotherapy

I've had treatments from a few different Physiotherapists but the most effective ones I have found are massage based, not ones that just give you exercises to do. 

Don't get me wrong, the home exercises and stretches are vital to prevent the pain but one the best Physiotherapists I've said "how can you give people exercises to do if they can't move their body in the first place." So, massage is essential with physiotherapy.

This brings me on to the next one.


 lower back pain

8. Regular Massage Treatments

If you've had massage treatments before, you know it can be hit-and-miss when getting a massage treatment as a lot of massage practitioners will just stroke your muscles to keep it relaxing. This does increase those feel-good hormones but if you have lower back pain, you have to find a massage practitioner that can do the right the level of pressure. Especially on your lower back with it being such a delicate area.

Once you find a professional practitioner that relieves that muscular tension, booking regular massages is a sure way to relieve stress and lower back tension. One way I can tell if someone is a good masseuse is if they can relieve pain in the lower back muscles as it's a very delicate area and requires less pressure.

If you do have the option of hot stones or a lava shell treatment, take it. The heat is great way to help relax the muscles, as well as the rest of the body and mind. Super relaxing!

But even a massage without hot stones has mental and physical benefits for the body such as increasing circulation, posture correction and benefits mental health conditions such as depression and anxiety.

Book a 5 star rated home massage treatment with SpaPLUS if you're in the North West of England.

 lower back pain advice

9. Use a Hot Water Bottle

Hot water bottles aren't just for winter! But for any time of year if you have lower back pain. As mentioned earlier, the heat helps relax the muscles, which is the ideal time for stretching too. The best time to stretch is when the muscles are warm to prevent further pain.

Be careful you don't burn yourself with them as that can happen. Amazon have a range of cute hot water bottles for you to get cheap even when they're not in season.


sciatica lower back pain advice

10. Deep Heat Treatment

If you're struggling to afford a professional treatment, another temporary form of immediate pain relief is using a deep heat treatment. Get it cheap on Amazon.



lower back pain advice

11. Avoid Heavy Lifting

Lift the correct way when you do by bending your knees and not your back to prevent injuries. Don't be a hero trying to lift something heavy alone, it really isn't worth the pain of pulling your back muscles.






msm powder

12. MSM Supplement

MSM powder AKA methylsulfonylmethane helps keep our muscles and joints healthy. It's the only supplement I've taken where I've felt a noticeable difference on the day. It works within 45 minutes apparently. 

All the nutrients we lose from overcooking fresh food, MSM powder puts it back into our system to support our achy muscles and joints. Great for joint conditions too.

Please double check with your GP you are allowed to take MSM powder, like with any supplements. Especially if you are already on medication.



lower back pain advice

13. Posture Awareness

Be aware of your posture when you are sat down, especially if sat at a desk for long periods of time.

Visualize you are a puppet on a string I advise desk workers. That way you will lift your head, and then the rest of your body will follow to encourage you to make a conscious effort to keep your back straight.



sciatica lower back back advice

14. Foot Care = Body Care

Since most of our nerve endings are in our feet according to Reflexology, if we look after our feet, we're promoting self-healing in the rest of the body.

To take extra care of your lower back back in particular, looking after the heels of feet will help look after your lower back area, as the heels of our feet represent our lower back in reflexology.

Get scrubbing using a pumice stone whilst you soak your feet to soften dried heels.In particular, the heels of feet as it.

Pro-tip: Ideally after scrubbing your feet, cover in moisturizer or lotion then lock all that moisture in with a pair of socks for your own homemade foot mask. 

Try using Goat's Milk Lotion on your feet it gets through the top layer of the skin, removes the dead skin and stimulates fresh, younger skin. For cracked heels, apply.

For cracked heels, apply Castor Oil and lock in with socks every night until the heel softens with the thick, gloopy oil. 



sciatica lower back pain advice

15. Yoga

There are so many different types of yoga if you look into it hip opening poses in particular will be great to prevent and help sciatic and lower back pain. As a regular Yoga Yogi, I can honestly say it heals, restores and balances the mind, body and soul practising yoga regularly. 

Check out our Yoga & Mediation products to upgrade your knowledge and home zen space.



Who's got your back?

You! The ultimate key to reducing and preventing lower back pain is you making time to do these stretches and tasks to strengthen those muscles. Consistency is key!

Overusing your muscles and stress are the cause of knots, so exercising may cause muscular tension too.

That's why athletes have sports massage therapy, to feel more flexible and mobile in order to continue their sport. Most of us see massage therapy as just a treat, but it's a way to keep the mind and body healthy.


Another post you mind find useful:

Create Your Own Spa Space in 7 Steps


Share this post with anyone you know that suffers from lower back pain or Sciatic pain to help them too.

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